Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Stupid Interviews..

Everyone ought to have a blog or a live journal. They should enter within their essence. When the time comes I suggest they should suitably exchange the blog with any possible, would be spouse. It would be much easier than all those annoying interviews one has to sit through.

You are clad up in your best set of clothes sitting in an unfamiliar surrounding where all the eyes are gawking you. You dare not move as the twitching might make them take more notice. Intense suffocation follows when all of a sudden you are bombarded with queries like “How successful are you?” “What have you accomplished in your life till now” “Where do you see yourself going”. We all have a hard time in briefly summarizing ourselves in a few sentences. It’s hard to explain how we all perceive success differently and not all of us measure it in terms of how much fame and wealth one has accumulated. I consider success has touched all of us but only we alone can sense it.

Exchanging this collection of thoughts & dreams is a better approach for both of them to have a closer look at what the other person is all about and if there is any possibility of sparks flying :)Would be much easier also; instead of all the formalities you would just email the url of your blog and wait for appropriate comments :)


Sarah said...

I think that is such a superb idea. Everyone SHOULD have a blog and people should exchange URLs to see if they are compatible. Blogs have so much written in them, and usually quite honestly, so you can truly see what someone is like. Excellent idea! I shall not marry anyone now who doesn't have a blog :D lool

widad said...

But.... If someone know's that potential spouse plan to use the blog as a refrence of sort... don't you reckon that they would... a) not reveal their innermost thoughts / feelings and b) be a different them...?

Sarah said...

Widad, Then you need to find a TRUE blogger, not a "blogger" who only has a blog for marriage purposes.

Itsfarsh said...

Your Blog is an outlet for your ideas & aspirations. Most people start blogs when marriage is the farthest thing on their mind but if one does come along a blog made exclusively for Marriage purposes then it would be rather easy to deduce that the blogger is trying their utmost best to portray themselves as this superhuman entity whose perfect match would be Superman or Super girl :)

widad said...

I don't agree. The same happens in real life too. People who pretend to be what you want. We all have come across such fakers. However, in a blog life, it's just that, words with nothing to read into. In real life, tehre's facial expressions, body language...

Itsfarsh said...

I think it all depends on how old the blog is. Was it created before the idea of marriage crossed the blogger's mind? If what you enter into your blog comes from your heart then never run out of material to write about but if its just a fake setup then pretty soon you will left with nothing to blog about :)

But I do agree with you that in real life there is facial expression & body language and nothing beats that... but maybe blogs can used in the initial screening process :)

widad said...

So you test it out and let us know how it went. :)

widad said...

Reminds me of something I heard on the BBC...

This wife comes home and sees her husband on the internet.

She speaks to him, but he’s like "um", "uhuh", "ah". So he's acknowledging her, but not really listening.

Exasperated, she insists he converse with her.

He insists she read his blog.
After all, it saves time on face to face conversation, proves his ability to be amusing, to glorify trivial happenings, builds up his hits and proves his popularity.

She refuses.

He promptly enters in a new topic based on his wife.

She’s annoyed and decides to podast her spat with her husband.

He agrees to talk to her.

They look at each other… and mutually agree to continue working on their laptops!

Itsfarsh said...

So you test it out and let us know how it went. :)

My Blog is new and they did think i am just building up a false image :)