Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Is this religion?

Two men stood at the side of the road waving an empty bottle. Thirst was killing them and the Heat was showing no mercy. Because they were poor construction workers motorist just drove by them without given any heed to their plight. As I drove by, I saw it surprising that they waved their bottles, as there was evidently a mosque a few distance behind them. I braked, rolled down the windows and one of them came running up to my car.

Him: "Arbab! Can you be so kind as to give us some water"?

Me: "There is a mosque behind you why don’t you get the water from there. Its just 10 minute walk."

His face showed of signs of despair as he answered,

"We are Hindus and are not allowed in the mosque. We were told be the caretaker not to enter."

Me: "You could have told him that you needed water. Your being Hindu does not deny you the right to water."

Him: "He said there is not water. We didn’t want to cause a fuss so we walked here."

I told him to sit in the car and I drove up to the mosque. I walked into the mosque and I could see the caretaker sitting in a corner. I located the Cooler, which was just 10 yards from the entrance and filled the empty bottles. As I made my way back out I approached the caretaker and inquired about the incident. He reiterated his point that they are Hindus and their admittance is prohibited in the mosque.

Me: "Where in the holy Quran does it says to not give water to Non-Muslims? How do you know that I am a Muslim?"

Caretaker: "You don’t LOOK like a non-Muslim. I could have filled the bottle but it had their sweat on it and that is NAJIS. Such an item would definitely breach the sanctity of the mosque and it’s my job to see that never happens."

The tone of his voice had increase and he was very adamant in his beliefs. I just shook my head. He was never going to see the errors of his way, so I just asked him to inquire about these matters to a learned man and hope he can understand what he did was wrong.

Sometimes we forget the real purpose of religion. How can you stand before God asking for forgiveness when you have hurt his creations. When you have denied them of his most precious gifts onto us human beings. I apologized to the men about the incident. I explained to them that the fault was clearly of the caretaker and such practices were prohibited in Islam.

The terrifying part is that when I spoke about this unpleasant incident amongst some Muslim acquaintances there was a minority who saw the justification in the actions of the caretaker.


Sarah said...

Is this a true experience of yours? Very sad. :( I hate it when people get so caught up in the technicalities of haram/halal that they lose their akhlaq completely. Shame.

Sarah said...

ps--I noticed you added a link to my blog on the side, thank you! *blush* I added a link to your blog on mine as well!

Itsfarsh said...

This unfortunate incident happened about a month back. I still pass by the mosque to give the Caretake a glare or two :)