Monday, April 13, 2020

Let Me..

Let me come and put on your shoes
Let me come and took you on a journey
Let me come when you are sleeping
and make my bed by your side

Let me infuse you with my spirit
Let me dye you with fresh colors

Let me give you a new name
Let me bring you freedom

Let me make the clouds bless your home
and call your name

Let me ask the Stars to burn oudh in your room

Let me make your mood,
your breath,
your heart
take flight like a bird

Let me make the wind sweep through your bedroom
Let me dress you with the morning breeze

Now you and I are one
I have given you a new name

You are Mine

Friday, April 10, 2020

Isn't this Magical?

When you rest your head on my shoulder
I am at peace with the world
The radio plays our favourite songs
the weather is perfect
and time just seems to stop
Isn't this magical?

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Why do you?

Why do you spend a lifetime staring at the mirrors of your past
busy absorbing your reflection
Listen -
Within you flow unending rivers of wisdom
You have grasped the meaning of nothingness
Even though the lucky ones in your life
lack stars in the heavens, lack shadows on the earth
they welcome any stars
that grace their devastated sky.
O, my friend, my dear friend,
turn your anguish into constellations

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Fragrance of You

I kinda tripped over some of my old work and thought i did give it a home :

The soft fragrance of you
floats with the breeze,
Is tickled by the fingers of breeze.
It has set out to find my body
The soft fragrance of you
Has put chains on my feets;
It encircles my neck and wrist.
The soft fragrance of you
Lies hidden in this moment we share
It slithers through the breeze;
It has set out to find my body.