Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Weird Ole Me..

My last two posts would bring into question my spiritual integrity & credo. In one post, I speak about virtue and never succumbing to worldly desires and steadfast affirmation of our beliefs in the divinity. Whereas in another, I don the cloak of the antagonist and question the very same beliefs I admirably highlighted.

I wish I were a tree with roots deep within the quintessence of faith and branches sprouting wide and immense, rigid against the wind that blows about. Resolute through whatever trials & tribulation those follow.

Alas! I am but a weak sapling with roots frantically trying to clinch & absorb within the embodiment of faith. I waver as the wind rages. I struggle, I endeavor and every day I grow stronger.

I am not perfect, I am far from it..

But someday I hope to be that tree.. till then bear with me..

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