Sunday, September 17, 2006

Are you having a Perfect Day?

Long, petulant & hectic hours at work have kept me pre-occupied over the past few days. Slowly but gradually I return to normalcy.

No matter how frustrated and disgruntled I am with work, ironically it does add a sense of purpose to my life. I keep saying within my soul that I want to change but maybe I am just a liar.

Maybe I have developed an invisible attachment with my working habitat and routine, rupturing this bond would petrify my core existence.

Maybe “Change” scares me hence I resort to frail statements to legitimize my predicament.

Sometimes I wonder whether I am as mature as I ought to be.

Lets grade our lives, Lets note down all the stuff that constitutes to our daily essential monotonous routine.
Lets then take a step back and behold various acts we deem important.
Lets be wise. Lets judge us
Lets seek the hindsight to look beyond the peripheral horizon.

Can you laugh at what you see or do you just pretend to be blind and call it “PERFECT”.

P.S I am still laughing..

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