Saturday, March 17, 2007

Let me think..

Let me think a while...

In my life's garden, today more bleak than a wasteland,
Which branch sprang first into blossom?
Which one died first in the withering of passion?
When, in what agony, in what season,
Was it drained of its vital blood?
Who went for the jugular in the throat of the flower?

Let me think.
Give me time to think...


Shafinaaz Hassim said...

Moved to a mesmerized moment,
words fail me..
The imagery glides before my eyes enticing me, beguiling me..
Luring me to this state between
a time past and present
toward a reflective moment:
strangled somewhat like the flower,
i too, am made to wonder
and to think on..

Your words are deeply soul-enriching intheir honest non-apologetic searching quality!
Your constantly outdo yourself!
Truly enjoyed this one!

Itsfarsh said...

I am humbled by your encouragement, but whatever I write is meager in comparison to the true artistry you pen down...

Shafinaaz Hassim said...

it takes an artiste of note to recognise 'art-worthiness' in my words of mere appreciation :)

keep at it; im a certain fan!

Anonymous said...

"Who went for the jugular in the throat of the flower?"

The relevant question we will ask ourselves afterwards is:

"Who watered the flowers?" :)

Nice writing...