Thursday, February 08, 2007

Happier Thoughts..

Nostalgia has always been my source of happier thoughts & sweet memories...

The scent wafting from your body
now holds my senses captive,
warming the silent ambiance of the room.

Your cheek, moist with sweat,
brings to my mind the first showers of the
nighttime rains.

The half-burnt cigarette between your
showing traces of your lipstick,
makes reality a twirl of smoke.

You’re silent, I’m quiet too,
while in our hearts we both debate—
if only words were not the sole recourse.


bb_aisha said...

For now I'll just say- I love your writing. I'll be sure to visit again with more profound thoughts:-)

Anonymous said...

I [still] love the words/image:

The half-burnt cigarette between your
showing traces of your lipstick,
makes reality a twirl of smoke.

I hope you are well.

Karachiite said...

Well written, the choice of words is too good, but there is sumthin bitter in there... :S

nostalgia for me has always brought tears besides happiness!!!

Ahmed said...

Nice stuff...

widad said...

Nice change! Liked it.

Anonymous said...

and emotions run a thread alongside that twirl of smoke.. inevitable that they might waft into the atmosphere..

unless, captivated, u might seek to capture them beyond this moment.

brilliant imagery :)

kimya shafinaaz

Crimson Shimmer said...

lovely indeed

And people insist smoking is bad for you...

Anonymous said...


I haven't heard from you in a while. I hope everything is alright and I hope I haven't inadvertently offended you..
