Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I am not the light of any eyes, nor of any heart the peace or truce.
A friable object of no use, I am but a dry handful of dust.

Not at all a lyric's life-giving sense: having heard me who should act on this?
I'm a wail of ruin in the wilderness, and the voice of a blazing heart's distress.

Color from my face has long been gone, since my one true love was snatched from me.
I'm an autumn-slaughtered garden trapped in my own spring crop's stillborn loneliness.

Nor am I any soul's beloved soul, nor am I indeed any rival's rival:
I'm a fate in flight to its flailing fall; one tall flatland turned to a vale of tears.

Why would anyone chant a requiem, placing some stray florets upon this tomb?
Why would anyone shed a tear over me, a crypt of helplessness?


widad said...

Sometimes, One needs to let go and move on...

Haven't seen you in a while. Hope all's well.

Karachiite said...

Such depressing poem is uncomprehendable...

You otta be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Itsfarsh said...

Karachiite, There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life -- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind -- are always attained by giving them to someone else.

I still havent found what I am searching for :)

widad said...

Don't agree. You can have all 3 on your own. Really, your happiness has to lay within you, not be dependent on someone else. Bacause that's when you start to get dissapointed and feel let down.

StrivingSoul said...

No matter how hard you try to find happiness, contentment and peace of mind, you cannot find it alone. You can have it all, but with no-onto share it with it all seems a bit pointless, you can always be let down, but that’s a risk you take in the journey to find the person to share it with.
Please make your next post a happy one =)
take care

Anonymous said...


I know you will find meaning in your own time; don't force it. And know that some people won't experience happiness in the same way that other people experience it. That has to be okay; you can only be who you are--no one else, no matter how much you may want it. I know this to be painfully true.

Let your heart act on its own impulses. Be in the moment. Let the feelings come and deal with the ache the best way that you can.

I missed your IM the other day, but find me soon.

I think your poem is incredible. It makes me want to up my game, so to speak. Stillborn loneliness. Unbelievable.

Sending you a hug from Chicago.

Anonymous said...


I don't know if you are still checking my blog regularly, but I dedicated a post to you. I hope you like it.


Sarah said...

I agree with what Widad said, although it can be so hard to really put those words into action. To be really happy with just yourself. Depressing poem, as usual. Your blog just depresses me, farsh lol *sigh*

widad said...

Sara, Farsh now has to write some 'happy' stuff!