Thursday, July 27, 2006

Wonder Years...

My Neighborhood is decimating, as I grow up. Constructions mar all my childhood playgrounds. Wheels of progress & development are in motion. I had hoped to revisit these places when I was old & grey perhaps to reminisce on those wonder years. There is going to be nothing to return to now. Everything that could be associated with my youth has vanished. Ironically, the only remaining object was the one I had despised the most: My junior high school.

A few months ago it was demolished too. A couple of my friends decided to pay a last visit to the old structure. We had detested greatly coming here every morning and now as we stood before it we were overcome with emotions. A brief stroll down the empty corridors brought back memories. We pointed out places where we executed various pranks & monkey business. We tried to remember the names of our teachers and searched frantically for walls where we had scribbled our initials. We actually cried as we walked by the principal’s office. He was a stern man who was always warranting discipline from the students. He had given us numerous scary moments when we were vigilantly evading him as we skipping classes or just loitering around the school. We missed those days. It was intended to be a ten-minute tour but we stayed for well over an hour.

The more we grow older the more we learn how beautiful our childhood was. We all carry a part of our childhood within us. Maybe it’s a place or an object but whatever it is we embrace it very dearly for it reminds us of those wonder years..


MnM310 said...

I tutor quite few kids who went to the same junior as I did and who even have some of the same teachers. So this year, I went to the graduation and I felt so old! lol...I hadn't realized how long its actually been and how easy life was at that time. I'm sure years from now i'll look back at my life right now and say how easy it was too, even though it sure as heck doesnt feel it... :p

wasalaam :)

MnM310 said...

junior high* whoops :p

Sarah said...

You update your blog so often that I really can't keep up!!!

The house and neighborhood I grew up in is still in tact. I am actually in that house right now! I've lived here all my life.

I would probably be sad though if my old schools were torn down or something.

My little sister went to the same elementary school as I did when I was little. It was weird going to pick her up from school... A place I hadn't been to in like 12 years or so! Would bring back memories!

widad said...

My school's still there though my neighbourhood is changing rapidly. A few years and the old buildings will get knocked down and new ones built.

neuroticnoon said...

hey wasn't Wonder years a tv show?

anyway, my primary school is still intact as is my high school, i only left there two years ago so ...

Our old flat is exactly where it was before, its nice whenever we pass that part of town we always go through our old road.

i know what you mean i used to hate my old pirmary school alot but now whenever i pass it i can't help thinking how much i miss it!

when your young you wanna grow and when you've grown you'd do anything to go back!

Itsfarsh said...

Do you remember the name of your First Grade teacher? For me it was the same teacher up till grade Three. Mrs. Mamta Chinappa. I petrified her once in a shopping mall. I kept staring at her ascertaining if it was actually her and all this while she thought I was stalking her :) I went up to her and said "Good afternoon Madam" and she replied harshly "Yes!! What do you want" and hid her purse from my sight. We had her laughs when I cleared the confusion.

neuroticnoon said...


mine was called Mrs Birmingham, i only rememeber because we'd just moved from birmingham to london, so she telling me that was her name confused me alot!

lol, what a strange name, how does a reception stud pronounce it, we struggled pronouncing Bir-ming-ham!

Sarah said...

I remember the name of EVERY teacher I have ever had from Kindergarten all the way up to university. Some of the best, most memorable and fun times of my life happened in school and because a lot of my teachers were just so cool. *wub*